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The Esther Anointing

In this time of Daniels Arising, it is also the time for Esthers. Esther is a unique book in the Bible. It is the only book that doesn’t explicitly mention God. However, this doesn’t mean that God is absent from its pages. You get an opportunity to read the story and look for God’s activity in the whole thing. When you read the book of Esther, you can’t help but see the purpose of God at work. It is a picture of God taking a nobody and using them for His honor and glory. It is an example of God taking a girl out of hiddenness and putting her in a position of favor. Like Daniel, Esther was in a key position to reach the ear of the king.

We are at a unique time in the United States of America. At the time of writing, college campuses across the nation are aflame with opinions. Pro-Palestinian protestors, primarily made up of university students, have occupied dormitories, libraries, and other campus buildings all the while calling for a ceasefire and even intifada (a violent uprising). They are against Israel, and they have been denying access to Jewish students who wish to access these buildings. These young men and women are making their voices heard, albeit violently. But even now, voices of light are also rising. Young men and young women are declaring the gospel over their nation calling for peace and wisdom. Daniels and Esthers are rising in this season.

We’ve already talked about Daniels, but Preacher Girls, it’s your time to be Esthers as well. Psalm 68:11 says that the Lord gives the command and the women who proclaim the good news are a great army. For anyone who ever wondered if women have a right to preach the gospel, here’s the proof. The word is not just supposed to go forth from evangelists and preachers, but from every single one of us Preacher Girls. Remember, you don’t need a pulpit, you just need a message.

You might think you’re just an ordinary person in your corner of the world, but the Esther anointing on your life is going to cause you to make a difference. The Esther anointing is not feminism. Feminism is about diminishing the masculine, celebrating femininity and exercising the right to dominate. However, the Esther anointing is marked by humility, by submission, and by the willingness to wait until it’s your moment. It is the willingness to speak truth in authority and submission. But first, you must submit to authority. You have no right to be in authority, it isn’t something you’re entitled to. But we do need to know how to submit to authority in order to be in authority. As 21st century women, many of us have been raised in the women empowerment movement. We’ve been taught to assert our authority over men, and even other women, and fight for positions of power. That’s exhausting! However, the day you learn to submit to proper authority is the day you are qualified to be in authority. There is a preparation process, Esther spent a year getting prepared before she could even be presented to the king. She had to endure a process before getting permission, before getting the right moment to speak.

Know that your identity is not wrapped up in comparison. Esther was chosen above all the other women yes, but when she is queen, she is not compared to anyone else. She is queen based on her promotion. So, PG’s, if you’re constantly comparing yourself to someone else saying “I could never be like her” or “I couldn’t do it the way she does it.” Be set free from that today. You do not and cannot compare to anyone else. You are who you are because God has put you in your position where you are for this moment, in this season, in this time of your life, with your set of skills, nuances, likes and dislikes. God will use the combination of qualities that are uniquely yours to do what He wants to do on the earth. God will promote you into the place He means for you to be.

In her book The Esther Anointing, Michelle McClain Walters tells us the “Esther anointing is grace to influence the culture for the kingdom of God. It’s courage and righteous boldness exercised with great wisdom to confront injustice and deliver a generation from destruction.” This anointing is defined by grace, not pitching a fit when you don’t get your way just so someone will listen to you. It’s righteous boldness, bravery to stand up for the word of God. Bravery to call out the injustices of the world that don’t line up with the word of God. We can be loud and proud about many things, but when we’re met with hot button issues, we’re suddenly shy. Esthers are rising up to deliver a generation from destruction. The Biblical Esther delivered all her people from execution. She rose up as only she could in her position and saved a generation.

The Esther anointing comes with ridiculous amounts of favor. It’s favor you won’t earn or deserve, and you won’t expect it! Esther was offered half of the king’s kingdom when she went into his presence! God will open doors for you that you never thought you would get to access. He’s going to give the Esthers access and influence. But remember PG’s, the favor is not to make us famous or wealthy. It is to get the work of the Kingdom done and it’s to save a generation. On the flipside, this anointing will cost you. It will cost you time in fasting and praying. There will be fear, shaking, judgment. People will condemn you but if God can use you then He will. Let God know that you’re available and if you’re available then it’s time for your Esther anointing. God has called you Esther, and no one can uncall you.

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